Reference to my earlier blog on "TB - two sides of a coin"
We had great hopes that Ramalinga Reddy would make a good recovery - after all he was in the best of hands - being admitted to St Johns Medical College on 21 Jun 2007.
Unfortunately that was not to be.
A week after extraperitoneal drainage of the Psoas Abscess he started passing fecal material from the wound. A laparotomy was done and an Ileo-Caecal Perforation was found. Following resection and closure he started recovering. However on the 3rd post op day he threw a convulsion and was admitted to the ICU. His condition continued to deteriorate and he was intubated, put on aventilator and finally a tracheostomy done on 08July 2007. In spite of the best possible care he did not make it. His relatives decided to tke him home and he was discharged against medical advice on 11 July 2007. He died at home on 12 July 2007.
Cause of death - we can only surmise - poor wound management at home when he put leaves and lime etc in the wound, general malnutrition leaving the body in no condition to fight the overwhelming infection, and of course the dreaded word - POVERTY.
I have no idea what the finl bill would be. Since we supported him we are bound to get a whopping bill. Will anyone in the wide world help?