Outpatient: Total 1865
Below 15 years
Male: 150; Female: 114
>65 years
Male: 101; Female 81
Male: 537; Female: 882
Income levels (INR per month)
Below 1000: 1006
1000 - 1500: 619
Above 1500: 240
Eye Programme: 108
Glasses: 26
Medicines: 28
Surgery: 07
Antenatal Programme:
New: 07
Deliveries: Home - 01, Hospital: 03 (02 LSCS)
Abortions: Nil
Subhadra, delivered a baby after 07 years of marriage. The look on her face says it all.
You could not have asked for a more proud set of parents.
Apuramu is 24 years and suffers from Epilepsy. The plaster cast on her left arm bears testimony to an injury sustained during an epileptic attack.

She is 04 months pregnant and is under our care. We are hoping that her epilepsy will be controlled so that she can have a normal conception and delivery.
Both Apuramu and Subhadra have been supported by funding from the Village Development Council, London, England