January is traditionally a leaner month, because of the harvest season and the important festival of Sankranti. The statistics for this month are given below:
Outpatient Total: 1419Below 15 years: Male 124, Female: 82
Above 65 years: Male: 70, Female: 55
Adults: Male 435, Females: 653
Income:INR less than 1000: 683
1000 - 1500: 480
More than 1500: 252
Eye ProgrammeTotal Patients: 96
Glasses: 29
Medicines: 61
Cataract Surgeries: 05
Antenatal ProgrammeNew: 07
Delivery: 1 (Hospital)

Venkatalakshmi, is about 60 years. All but crippled because of her Osteoarthritis, she is dependent on two sticks to help her walk. She finds it impossible to go about her daily functions. NSAIDS (Painkillers) and Calcium tablets alleviate the pain to some extent. Her treatment is being funded by the Village Development Council, London.

Bavaji: July 2008 and January 2009. A patient of Severe Thyrotoxicosis, who with treatment has shown dramatic improvement. The two photos say it all.

Pavan Kalyan, 18 months, had a broncho pneumonia. Use of Nebuliser and additional oxygen, as an outpatient procedure ensured that he survived. Ideally he should have been have been hospitalised, but lack of money, meant that we had to treat him at the RHC. Thanks to Dr Ramesh for seeing him through.
His treatment was funded by Heart and Hand for the Handicapped, USA.