The financial year draws to a close. In spite of the heavy rains in October/November the heat has picked up. Working in the afternoons is quite difficult. Matakas of cool water are consumed to slake the thirst
Total Patients: 6323
Below 15 years - Male: 280; Female: 258
Above 65 years - Male: 390; Female: 380
Adult: Male: 2546; Female: 2469
Income (₹) Distribution
Below 48000: 6167
Above 48001: 156
Total Patients: 6323
Below 15 years - Male: 280; Female: 258
Above 65 years - Male: 390; Female: 380
Adult: Male: 2546; Female: 2469
Income (₹) Distribution
Below 48000: 6167
Above 48001: 156
So we close the year with 21644 patients - first time that we have crossed 20000 patients in a fiscal,
April dawns!!!!