Pulse 90/min, BP 110/70 mmHg, Clubbing Gd 1, No pallor.
RS: Trachea central, diminished movements Left Inframammary and Infraxillary regions. VF and VR were also diminished, percussion being impaired. There were a few fine crepts.
He was investigated with a suspicion of Tuberculosis;
Hb 12 gm%, TC 6500/cumm, P 76, L 20, E 04, ESR 32 mm 1st hour
Sputum for AFB x 3 times was negative
X Ray Chest showed a mass lesion LMZ.
After this we did
HIV (Tridot) which was negative, Random Blood Sugar was 70 mg%, Mantoux was -ve.
We were fairly sure that we were looking at a Malignancy but decided to give him a month's trial of ATT with Rifampicin, INH, Ethambutol as well as Pyrazinamide. ATT was started on 14 Feb 2007.
He was reviewed on 13 March 2007 with repeat XRay chest.

As you can see there is no difference between the two films.
We are now trying to convince his sons (2 of them) to raise Rs 1500 for a CT scan which in all likelihood will give us a diagnosis.
Then the struggle to find a hopsital and funds for further treatment.
This is a daily struggle at the health centre. One feels a sense of impotence to be able to detect diseases but then what? Plead helplessness!
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