Two photos and they say it all - or do they!
In this age of globalisation, 9% GDP and starting salaries of a crore, does it really make a difference to these two girls????
I wonder. Both of them were unfortunate to have been born girls and to make matters worse to a family that is struggling to survive.
The baby came to us absoloutely dehydrated - medical reason is simple enough - Summer Diarrohea - But the Social Cause - being a girl and that too the 2nd in the family, neither the husband nor the grandmother allowed the mother to bring the baby to a doctor. Why - She is after all a girl. Needless to say my blood boiled - the baby was cured but what about the social evil.
The elder daughter suffers from malnutrition - reason - poverty on one hand and girl child on the other.
What can we do to eradicte this evil. It is pernicious and sucking our society dry. I really wish that social equity was well ditributed so that all could benefit from the so called fruits of a booming economy.
1 comment:
I just watched a movie by the title "Matrubhoomi." It's a satire of sexist biases in India that throw off its male-to-female ratio. The movie is about a nearly woman-less, girl-less world, very firmly rooted in reality and real emotions. It's a scary prospect...almost to the extent that there are moments of fleeting guilt at the fact that I am/was born a male!
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