Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gowthami - ? Lymphoproliferative disorder

Gowthami, a 6 year old girl, from a village about 15 km from here, was brough to the RHC with a h/o poor apetite and increasing lassitude.
Clinically she was undernourished (as the photo shows), there was pallor and she was very hesitant in answering questions. Her parents had followed the usual route of going to RMPs, Doctors who all have given her injections and IV fluids. Not one of them had done a blood test or examined her.
There was Cervical lymphadenopathy and diminshed air entry on the left side of the chest
Hb: 12 gm%, TC 30000/cumm, P 18%, Lymphocytes 79%, E 02% and M 01%
Peripheral smear showed normocytic, normochromic RBCs with moderate Leucocytosis and atypical lymphocytes. Immunohistochemistry was suggested

The X Ray of the chest showed a fullness of the Pulmonary Bay, suggestive of a mediastinal mass, probably a lymph node.
This made us think of a LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER, ? Hodgkins or NHL.
We have sent her for CT Scan to find out the spread of the disease. We are awiting this report.

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