Total Outpatient: 1510
Below 15 years: Male - 119; Female - 116
Above 65 years: Male: 139; Female - 137
15 - 65 years: Male - 415; Female - 584
Income (per month)
INR less than 1000: 770
1000 - 1500: 440
1500 - 3000: 234
More than 3000: 63
Eye Care
Total patients: 69
Glasses: 23
Medicines: 38
Surgeries: 08
Antenatal Programme
New registrations: 04
Delivery: 05 (Hospital - 02; LSCS - 01)
Some Patients

Sharad delivered a healthyfemale baby after succesful Tubal Recanalisation. She had lost two young children to road accidents a year apart and the parents were understandably shattered. Luckily the recanalisation worked and both the baby and she are doing well.