However this does not make any difference to the patients. Disease and infirmity do not make a distinction between the months of the year.
Total Outpatient: 1460
Below 15 years: Male - 91; Female - 87
Above 65 years: Male: 142; Female - 112
15 - 65 years: Male - 576; Female - 453
Income (per month)
INR less than 1000: 787
1000 - 1500: 439
More than 1500: 234
Eye Care
Total patients: 68
Glasses: 11
Medicines: 50
Surgeries: 07
Antenatal Programme
New registrations: 05
Delivery: 03 (02 Hospital and 01 at home)
Some Patients: Sreenath 02 months, was brought to us by concerned parents because of the wheeze and stridor. He had LARYNGOMALACIA, for which there is no treatment. The baby grows out of it by the time he is a couple of years old. The video however is quite scary. A photo is also attached.

Mohith Naik, 2 year old male had repeated fevers and was diagnosed here as recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, most likely due to a Posterior Urethral Valve. He was operated at CMC Vellore and is doing well. You can see the bladder opening in the abdomen, which will be closed subsequently.

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