Saturday, July 24, 2010

April 2010

April is a hot, the temperatures go up steadily hovering around the early 40's. This year has been unseasonably hot and there is hope that the rains in June would be good. A thunderstorm brought the temperatures down for a couple of days but in the process uprooted a number of trees.

Total Outpatient: 1489
Below 15 years: Male - 78; Female - 62
Above 65 years: Male: 109; Female - 77
15 - 65 years: Male - 451; Female - 712

Income (per month)
INR less than 1000: 929
1000 - 2000: 524
2000 - 3000: 19
3000 - 4000: 10
More than 4000: 7

Eye Care

Total patients: 46
Glasses: 08
Medicines: 29
Surgeries: 09

Antenatal Programme

New registrations: 01
Delivery: NIL
Abortion: NIL

Divya 3 years

Divya - Post Operative
Divya presented to the RHC with colicky pain abdomen, vomiting, abdominal distension. Clinically there was diffuse tenderness, guarding in the right hypochondrium and flank, gurgling and increased bowel sounds. A small mass was felt in the same region.
Initial diagnosis of Intestinal Obstruction ? Due to Intusseption/Volvulus was made. The child was referred to St Johns Medical College, where a surprise awaited all.

The baby had a retroperitoneal terratoma, which had stretched the Inferior Vena Cava and Right Renal artery and vein. She was operated, and the tumour removed.  

 The tumour weighed 1.8 kg and was confirmed to be a TERRATOMA with multiple levels of maturity.

Divya has made a full recovery and is now doing well.

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