Total Outpatient: 1738
Below 15 years: Male - 120; Female - 135
Above 65 years: Male: 133; Female - 101
15 - 65 years: Male - 551; Female - 698
Income (per month)
INR less than 1000: 1084
1000 - 2000: 588
2000 - 3000: 51
3000 - 4000: 12
More than 4000: NIL
Eye Care
Total patients: 93
Glasses: 15
Medicines: 68
Surgeries: 10
Antenatal Programme
New registrations: 05
Delivery: 02 (Hospital - 02)
Abortion: NIL
Some Patients
Rasool Bee, 85 years old, came to the RHC with an ulcerative swelling in the Left sub mandibular region. The swelling starts from the mouth as the picture on the right shows. This was most probably a Squamous Cell Carcinoma, brought about by years of betel nut chewing. She refused to go anywhere else and is being given palliative care here.
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