The patient load remained the same:
Total Outpatient: 1862
Below 15 years: Male - 167; Female - 175
Above 65 years: Male: 107; Female - 71
15 - 65 years: Male - 513; Female - 829
Income (per month)
INR less than 1000: 954
1000 - 2000: 733
2000 - 3000: 141
3000 - 4000: 32
More than 4000: 02
Eye Care
Total patients: 121
Glasses: 15
Medicines: 95
Surgeries: 11
Antenatal Programme
New registrations: 03
Delivery: 02 (Hospital - 02)
Abortion: 01
Some Patients
Venkataramana has a Corneal dystrophy of the Right Eye. You can see the
haziness in the cornea. This was primarily due to Malnutrition. A course of Vitamin A resolved the Corneal Dystrophy.
Anjeppa, 47 year old male had been treated earlier for Pulmonary TB at a Primary Health Centre.In all probabilities he had not completed his full course of treatment. A recurrence was detected at the RHC., we suspect MDRTB, for which a TB Culture has been done. There is also a strong suspicion of Leprosy.
Leonine features, loss of eyebrow hair, hyperpigmentation and hypoaesthesia. A slit skin biopsy is awaited.
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