Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cases of the Month - June 2006

Naresh, aged 10, presented to us with right sided pain abdomen and

severe respiratory distress. Clinically he was febrile 40 C, tachypnoeic (RR > 45/min), BP 90/60 and falling, Abdomen was tense with guarding in the Rght upper quadrant, Trachea shifted to left with absent movements and breath sounds in the Right Hemithorax. An erect plain film confirmed the clinical findings.
We suspected an Amoebic Liver Abscess which had burst upwards. We stabilised him with IV fluids, IV antibiotics and transferred him immediately to St Johns Medical College, where > 2.7 litres of pus was drained. A pigtailed catheter drained for a week.

He is now better though there is a residue of Right Lower Lobe atelectatsis, which should improve with chest physiotherapy.
Venkataramanama, aged 9 presented to us with progressive loss of weight, anorexia, nausea, early fullness, easy fatiguability and multiple lymph nodes (axillary as well as cervical). Clinically she was febrile 38 C, marked pallor, firm, tender nodes 1.5 x 2 cm size. Her abdominal findings were classical - Doughy abdomen, with dull note on percussion, diminished bowel sounds.
Investigations: Hb 6 gm%, ESR 110 mm 1 st hour, X-Ray showed hilar flare and enlarged para hilar nodes. Weight 12 kg
This was enough to come to a diagnosis of (1) Disemminated TB (2) Grade 3 Malnutrition.
We have started her on Anti Tuberculous Treatment with adjunct steroids, nutritional supplements (basically stuff like jaggery, ragi, fenugreek, spinach, drumstick leaves, sprouts) and am happy to report that she is doing well.
She is now 4 weeks into the treatment and her Hb is 9 gm%, apetite has markedly improved, weight has gone up to 15 kg.
We are hopeful that she will recover well enough in due course.
Watch this space for progress reports.

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