Thursday, April 12, 2007

MARCH 2007

So the Financial Year draws to a close - these dates are just tick marks in a calendar - they mean nothing but some symbols of trying to organis nature to suit mans needs. No I am not being chauvinistic whenI use the word man - rather it represents the whole of human kind.
Well the merry month of March marched along - 1697 patients, 83 eye patients seen and 09 cataracts operated. Not bad for two of us slogging it out here.
It becomes increasingly difficult as the days go by try and and achieve a modicum of control. We are constantly being overwhelmed by numbers seeking help and a friendly voice. Many a time I doubt the "friendly" voice as the day goes along I find that I become progressively more irritable and at times do snap at the patients - Not good clinical practice - you will all agree! But whenone is overwhelmed the mind and to a greater extent the physical body can only take so much. What does one do? I really do not have any answers.
All of us here at the health centre are eagerly looking forward to a break in summer when we close for a month - a much needed one to recharge ones batteries and come back with a fresh outlook to life and to try and serve the needs of the needy.

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