Friday, June 29, 2007

THANKS - DONORS: 2006-07


I would be failing in my duty if I did not thank all of you, who have contributed to supporting our activities. The number of the rural poor who have benefitted from your generosity, both directly as well as indirectly are enormous.
I would like to publicly thank:
Mr Murali Reddy - a Chemist and a son of the soil of Rayalseema who has encouraged us both financially and more importantly keeping my spirits up through his regular email correspondence.
Sishukunj International of the UK - for supporting child care in tertiary hospitals - may god bless all of you.
Mr Jagdish Dore - an old student, many years my senior who has helped us immensely, year after year with the Tuberculosis Programme, and in the process saved many a family from the brink of debt trap and extinction.
Mr Ashok Singhal - my classmate from school and a friend for the running of the health centre.
Mr Ramkumar Ramaswamy - another old student and a friend for helping us upgrade the laboratory
Ms Priya Kamath - an old student of Rishi Valley - for help in subsidising treatment for the elderly
Ms Chatura Padaki - an old student of Rishi Valley, who with her regular contributions keeps us going.
Mr PV Rao - A philanthrophist who lives very humbly in a village nearby and whose contributions to improving the lot of the rural poor has benefited all of us.
AGAMA India - for helping with the ophthalmic programme

and many many others who have chipped in through the year past.

Both Vidya and I hope and pray that many more will contribute and help us in our endeavour to reach out to the sick and suffering rural poor.

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